Ten years ago, I cancelled my wedding. No shade at all, but we were simply not FOR each other. I knew it was the right thing to do, but the months that followed were filled with tears, one less person in the house and the feeling of - Ok. Now what? I drank, I cried and wondered who the hell I was going to become now that my identity didn't revolve around being that person's fiancé. As time went by, I had to choose life, joy and choose ME. I learned to fill my time with things that brought me more joy. Things that lead me closer to my truth, things that ignited my curiosity, joy, sexuality, education and confidence. Spending my time alone doing things that felt empowering, became more appealing than seeking out or waiting for someone to celebrate me or see my worth. Since then, I've had several great relationships but each time they ended, I stayed committed to filling each day with small and beautiful experiences that kept my soul fed.