Leaving Your Comfort Zone // Art + Self Confidence

Trying new things can be really fucking scary. Even if it’s something that we WANT to do. It’s easy to stay put where we know things are comfortable and safe, but I’m here to tell you - stepping into the unknown, trusting the process, challenging yourself and daring to do something different can be absolutely exhilarating. In just the last month I’ve created some of my favorite images, and it’s because I was open and excited for change.

As some of you know, the studio has had some minor updates over the last couple of months. The clawfoot tub that we all loved has found a new home and I opened up that side of the room. After four years, I can’t tell you how hard it was for me to get rid of it. The tub was an eye-catching staple in our studio, something unique that everyone complimented and looked forward to incorporating into their session. I was comfortable posing with it, and I worried that clients might be upset that it was no longer available. But I was feeling creatively stuck, hungry for change and had to do something about it before I could change my mind.

I wanted to simplify the space and create something unique, but still versatile. I have since fallen in love with photographing clients there, even though I didn’t have the comfort and the crutch of my tub to lead on. I was forced to challenge my creativity. In addition to changing up a few things in the studio, I’ve also been trying out some new editing and lighting techniques. Ya’ll this is a big deal. I have edited the same way for years. YEARS. Jumping into new styles and creating art that is out of my norm has been so refreshing, and has left me feeling so creatively recharged.

I only wish I would’ve done this sooner.. which is also is something I hear all the time from clients after their sessions. Whether it’s being nervous about what to wear, or about what your body looks like, it’s easy to come up with reasons to talk yourself out of it. It’s easier to stay comfortable than it is to be vulnerable, try something new, to let yourself be seen and celebrated as you are. It took so long but stepping out of my creative comfort zone, surprisingly brought me back to life a little. If you allow yourself to be brave, and to dive into something new and exciting, I promise you will feel more alive, too!

Jamilyn Phillips